Brand new, in the original box, PuriTEST™ 6 PACK GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM TESTING SOLUTIONS. This is everything you need to determine if your gold, silver, or platinum is real or fake! Simple 3-Step Testing Instructions Included! Bottles are less than two weeks old and come sealed. Each 0.5 Ounce Bottle contains enough acid for hundreds of tests! Precious Metals Testers, Verifiers, Analyzers, and Decoder Lenses. Precious Metals Testers are tools that can be used to analyze and verify precious metals investment products including coins, bars, and rounds. This handy, easy-to-use devices can assist in identifying "fakes" and provide peace of mind to coin collectors, bullion investors, pawn shop owners, jewelry stores, and more, about Silver, alongside gold, is considered to be one of the most precious metals in the world. It has served as a major currency during the Age of Exploration and the galleon trade in the Pacific. It’s even mentioned in the Bible as a revered currency and is highly valued in Jewish culture.